Drayke's Travels

It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door.

Photos: Hunt Museum & Limerick

16 August ’15

Photo taken at: The Hunt Museum, Limerick

We drove into Limerick on Sunday the 16th to see the Milk Market and the Hunt Museum. The Market was winding down and I didn’t take any photos there, but I only had my phone so what I did get in the museum isn’t very good.

Cobblestone Joe's Bar

Before the museum we stopped at a pub called Cobblestone Joe’s for lunch, and I got a quick photo of the bar. There’s a lot of glare but I wanted to share three things I’ve observed about bars that I didn’t see back home. First, the taps are all these giant things with small handles, and they’re generally half Irish beers and half “imports” including usually a Budweiser or Coors Light. They also have liquor bottles upside down in dispensers along the shelves. Finally, below the bar you can see very small bottles of mixers. I’ve seen these nearly everywhere in lieu of the bar “guns” we have in the States.

Anyway, here are the phone photos I took in the museum.